Thursday 22 October 2015


      This week we have started learning about interviews. We have discussed what an interview is, who may get interviewed and why we might want to interview someone. We are doing this not only get to know our families (the paper we sent home) but we are getting to know our classmates. We are wanting to find out "what makes us unique?" and "what are some similarities and differences between people/our classmates?".  
     We are starting this process by getting one person from our class to sit up in front of the class while we interview them. We have brainstormed some questions that they can ask to get to know them better. Some questions may be: "what is your favourite sport to play?" and/or "do you have any siblings?". Once we get our answer, we all take turns coming up to our chart paper and writing down the answers. This helps students to recognize what a sentence is, how to start a sentence (capital letter), sound out unfamiliar words/using words that we have already learned, and other reading/writing strategies. It is a longer process but eventually we will interview all of our friends and make a book for us to read! Here is a snapshot of what our interviews look like. 


     Don't forget to come tomorrow morning at 8:00 for a Mug and a Muffin. We have been working hard on some goal"selfies", spine poems and other fun things in our classroom that we would love to show off!

1. Book orders are due tomorrow Oct. 23/15.
2. At home interviews are also due tomorrow.
3. Mug and a Muffin.
4. Please read and do word work activities with you child at home. I know you are all very busy but it is proven that if work is done at school AND at home students are much more successful! :) 

Thank you!!

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